Saturday, February 27, 2010


Noticing is very important in your internal gongfu practice.

Today during standing I noticed areas of tension in my shoulders and upper back. As I noticed it I started judging it as bad - thinking oh this is bad I have to get rid of that relax. I was trying to force it and it just got tighter, but when I noticed the tension without judging it. Thinking ah isn't that interesting that there's tension there in my back. It began to relax on it's own. In addition when I began to notice areas of my back that were relaxed and connected feeling a little fascial stretch then that feeling began to expand into more areas.

Isn't noticing sweet.

Noticing in this manner has been huge for me. I hope it is helpful to you in your internal gongfu practice. Feel free to drop any suggestions, questions, or comments on here. I'd love to get a discussion going.